Discussing Cybersecurity, IT, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.

Riding the AI Code Hype Train
I've been on the hype train before. (Flashback to the early days of Blockchain valuations) I've been a (mostly) quiet skeptic about the use of AI - specifically LLMs - for code generation. Anyone who has been writing software for a while will tell you that copying...

OpenGRC – Coming in Q1-2025
The data management side of GRC is not a hard problem to solve. This is why, for many small companies, an Excel spreadsheet is the tool-of-choice. But, as Security professionals know (or quickly find out), Excel GRC still comes with a bunch of downsides (e.g. Task...

Understanding And Applying A Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)
"SBOM"—or "software bill of materials"—is one of the hottest new buzzwords in cybersecurity today, and for good reason. Each day brings new headlines about the latest supply chain attack, followed by a slew of security pundits with various ideas about how to protect...

“Password” Isn’t A Password, And Other Cybersecurity Mistakes
Every day we’re inundated with news reports about the latest high-profile hack or malware outbreak. We hear how companies get shut down or have to pay large sums of money just to get their own data back. We read these articles like thriller novels — eager to hear how...

DoD Classification Backgrounds
Many years ago, while working in an Army lab, I had the need for classification backgrounds. I thought I had seen them somewhere, but no one was able to point me to them when I needed them. Years later I learned that my backgrounds had been used in labs everywhere!...

Acceptable Use Policy Template
Many years ago I created an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) template that was intended for use by my small business clients. I wanted a policy that was short, understandable, and written to be read (not just for compliance). Over the years, I've seen pieces of this policy...

How to Keep Up… (IT & Security Edition)
IT and Security are both high-growth industries. It's easy to understand that times change, technologies change, and vendors change. It inevitable, and a certain degree of change is always expected. As IT and Security professionals, we expect that continuous education...

Domain Doppelganger
Is this what you expected to find at the URL you just clicked? Domain Doppelganger (aka Lookalike domains) are URLs that look similar to a trusted URL, but have subtle differences. Doppelganger domains are used to trick users into visiting a malicious website...
About Lee
Dr. Lee Mangold, CISSP is a distinguished cybersecurity expert with over two decades of experience, spanning both government and private sectors. As a thought leader and innovator, he has played a pivotal role in shaping cyber defense strategies and policies, earning numerous accolades for his contributions. Dr. Mangold continues to inspire the next generation of cybersecurity professionals through his continued work as a cybersecurity practitioner, educator, speaker, and mentor, ensuring a safer digital future for all.