OpenGRC – Coming in Q1-2025

OpenGRC – Coming in Q1-2025

The data management side of GRC is not a hard problem to solve. This is why, for many small companies, an Excel spreadsheet is the tool-of-choice. But, as Security professionals know (or quickly find out), Excel GRC still comes with a bunch of downsides (e.g. Task...
DoD Classification Backgrounds

DoD Classification Backgrounds

Many years ago, while working in an Army lab, I had the need for classification backgrounds. I thought I had seen them somewhere, but no one was able to point me to them when I needed them. Years later I learned that my backgrounds had been used in labs everywhere!...
Acceptable Use Policy Template

Acceptable Use Policy Template

Many years ago I created an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) template that was intended for use by my small business clients. I wanted a policy that was short, understandable, and written to be read (not just for compliance). Over the years, I’ve seen pieces of this...